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Meeting Rooms
The Kansas City Public Library Branches, as well as Central Library, encourage neighborhood and community groups to take advantage of our versatile meeting rooms.
Room payment is due prior to your meeting/event and can be accepted via credit card on this site. Please consult the Policies and FAQ prior to scheduling your meeting.
Select "Meeting Rooms" Business or Non-Business as the booking type.
Rental rates
Room rates are based on location and your group's status.
Projector, monitor, screen, Blu-Ray/DVD player, two laptop hook-ups (HDMI & VGA compatible), one wireless handheld and one wireless lapel microphone, tables, and chairs.
Projector, screen, Blu-Ray/DVD player, two laptop hook-ups (HDMI & VGA compatible), one wireless handheld and one wireless lapel microphone, podium, tables, and chairs.
Blu-Ray Player, HDMI/VGA compatible 85" flat screen, 1 wireless microphone, coat rack, podium, tables, and chairs.
Community meeting rooms are not intended to be used for regular, consecutive meetings by clubs or organizations since such use prohibits general availability to the public.
Non-Business groups may place four bookings per month for a maximum of 32 hours. These bookings may be placed up to 60 days out.
Businesses may hold up to eight bookings per month for a maximum of 64 hours. These bookings may be placed up to 90 days out.
We request any cancellations be made at least 2 days in advance of the booking. This allows the room to be available to others.
Each paid booking must be made in two-hour increments with a minimum of two hours. Payment is to be made either on this website or in person before your meeting. Invoices will not be sent.
Non-Business groups with established partnerships with the Library may be considered for fee or policy waiver. Please contact branch manager for more information.
Consistent with the Library Bill of Rights, the Library shall make its meeting rooms and exhibit spaces available to the public on an equitable basis, regardless of the beliefs or affiliations of individuals or groups requesting their use.
While the Library encourages the use of its facilities for political events which involve discussion and debate of ideas and public policies, the Library does not permit the use of its facilities for political fundraising events.
Library meeting rooms and other spaces will be available for use by the community. The Library reserves the right to review each prospective use and determine whether that use meets Kansas City Public Library meeting room and facility guidelines.
Library meeting rooms may not be used for social activities such as baby showers, bridal showers, birthday parties, or similar events. Meeting rooms may not be used for church services, musical instrument practice, casting calls or auditions. These types of activities may, however, be held in event spaces.
The reserved time includes room setup and clean up. Users will not have access to the room until their assigned time. Meeting rooms must be vacated and left clean 15 minutes prior to closing.
The Library has first priority on all dates. The Library also has the right to preempt any event for Library use. In such rare instances, the Library will make every reasonable effort to assist the group in reserving another date or Library facility or meeting room.
The group sponsoring the gathering will be responsible for the orderly conduct of the group and for any damage to Library property, equipment and/or exhibits. The individual initiating the original request for meeting room space, or the facilitator of the event, will be considered the official representative of the group and will assume the responsibility for communicating Library guidelines to the group.
All persons, groups or organizations using Library facilities take the premises "as is" and assume all risks of injury, including death or property damage, to members of the group, organization, event participants and event spectators which might arise out of activities or out of conditions present on the facilities and groups.
There should be no charges, fees or solicitations for meeting attendees. Exceptions would be sponsoring groups that are nonprofit organizations or educational institutions for approved classes, seminars or similar activities. Questions should be referred to the Special Events Coordinator or appropriate Deputy Director for approval.
Organizations using a meeting room are considered a public accommodation under the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) and therefore, responsible for providing auxiliary aids and services in compliance with the ADA.
Can I get into the room early to set up? A: Please schedule the room to include set-up and tear down time. Groups will only be permitted to use the room for the time slot it has been scheduled.
Is parking included in my Central Library meeting room reservation? A: No, but one hour of free parking is available at The Central Library parking garage with ticket validation for all library visitors. More info »
Can I bring food and drink into the meeting room? A: Yes, however, colored beverages (which may stain the carpet if spilled) are not allowed; if food is spilled, please contact a Library employee. Alcohol is not allowed in meeting rooms. If alcohol is being served for your event, we can accommodate that within an event space.
How do I pay for my meeting room? A: Credit card payments can be made on this site when you reserve the room. We do accept offline payments, but these must be made prior to your meeting.
Can we hang up promotional tools or study pages? A: Groups may not post any items to the wall using tape, tacks, or any other method that damages the wall by leaving a puncture, stain, or adhesive residue. Groups will be held liable for any damage caused from ignoring these rules.
Can I have a birthday party or baby shower in a Meeting Room? A: Library meeting rooms may not be used for social activities such as baby showers, bridal showers, birthday parties, or similar events. Meeting rooms may not be used for church services, musical instrument practice, casting calls or auditions. These types of activities may, however, be held in event spaces.
Is it OK to exceed the maximum capacity listed for the room? A: Each room has a max limit (see chart above) due to fire code restrictions and potential wear and tear on the room. The Library will not, under any circumstances, book a room for more people than is specified as that room’s maximum capacity.
Can our group use a meeting room to sell items or accept dues? A: Groups may not conduct financial transactions on Library property, as is noted in the Library’s policies: No solicitation of funds for individuals, groups or organizations, or sale of candies, cookies, or items for any causes, or panhandling, is permitted in the Library or on Library property. The only exceptions are those activities that are authorized by or on behalf of the Library, or on behalf of its affiliate Friends of the Library organization.
Can a Library employee help me with set up or clean up in the room? A: Library employees will not be available to assist with meeting room set up or clean up; groups assume full responsibility for arranging their own rooms and leaving them in good order. Staff also will not be available to help with AV setup. Please make sure to bring your own laptop connection cord(s). Limited quantities may be available to borrow, but they are not guaranteed.
Since my group is meeting at the Library, can we identify KCPL as a co-sponsor of our event? A: The Library may not be identified as a co-sponsor of a meeting without the prior approval of the Library.
I need a room today; can I do that? A: Groups may reserve meeting rooms on this site same day if they are available.
How do I cancel a room reservation? A: Cancellations can be made by logging into with your library card or reservation number. Instructions are contained in the confirmation email. If you have any problems, please contact the Scheduling Coordinator at
For additional questions, please contact the Scheduling Coordinator at